Monday 26 April 2010


I think that this subject is relevant to this blog as a lot of people lie but for different reasons, sometimes it is for , in their view, good but other individuals can do it for vicious and cruel reasons. When people lie for 'good' reasons it is generally done to protect people from the truth but is this right or fair to withhold information from a person. This is just one issue that is raised by lying. Another issue includes if telling a little white lie is alright then at what point does a lie become wrong. A third issue that is raised is who gets to decide whether it is right to lie as well as who gets to decide to withhold the truth from someone. So what is lying?Lying is defined as 'the deliberate act of deviating from the truth'. Looking at lying generally it would seem wrong in any case but looking deeper there must be something about it that attracts people as only in rare cases are people addicted to it ( pathological lier), so what does attract people? There is no one answer to this question as everyone has different options when it comes to lying. So how do you spot a lier, people tend to believe that eye contact is a dead give away but is this true, the following website suggests that it 'sort of' is true which indicates if someone avoids eye contact it does not automatically mean that they are lying. The website can be found on The following article I found interesting as it shows that even well-known professionals can lie and be deceitful, especially as in this case he lied to bring people down. The article can be found on I think that in some cases that lying is necessary especially if there are venerable children involved, although i believe that when they are old enough to understand they should be told the truth. I also believe that if lying can be avoided that it should be especially as lying can be hurtful and can end relationships. The following is a humor picture showing lying:

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