Tuesday 13 April 2010

Is smoking good or bad?

According to the General Lifestyle Survey 2008 it showed that 21% of adults smoked, however, this only included those over 16. There may be a problem with this statistic as not everyone will tell the truth about whether they smoke. Some statistics on smoking can be found on http://www.ash.org.uk/files/documents/ASH_106.pdf. This blog is about smoking cigarettes,pipes and cigars only. There are four types of smokers which are Heavy Smokers, Social(occasional) Smokers, Ex Smokers and Non-smokers. Although it could be argued that there is a fifth type which would be tried it once smokers. Since the smoking ban in 2007, people are no longer allowed to smoke in public places, e.g pubs. This ban was put into place to try to give people an incentive to quit as they keep having to go outside if they are in public places.More information can be found on http://www.thesite.org/drinkanddrugs/drugsafety/thelaw/smokingban. The big question is why do people smoke and do the positives outweigh the negatives. The negatives of smoking includes: damages health, not a nice smell, makes teeth yellow and can cause damage to others through second hand smoke. However, on the other side of this the positives may include satisfaction of cravings, enjoyment and feeling part of a group( e.g. if everyone smokes). The examples given for both the positives and negatives are not by any means exhaustive. Some issues raised by smoking may include:

1) is it right for people to smoke around vulnerable people, e.g children?

2) if unemployed people can afford cigarettes how come they get paid benefit welfare?

As an ex-smoker, i can empathise with the complaints of others and also the pressure that others can place on a person to keep smoking. So what is said to be in it's favour, well mainly that it is a lifestyle choice and it is up to the individual whether they choose to smoke or not and this choice can't be taken away from anybody no matter how much they may disagree with it. The following picture is what can be found in all public places where smoking is banned:

1 comment:

  1. I think that the issues you have raised about smoking are good ones, the question is it right for people to smoke around vunerable people in my opionion is no. I don't think it's fair to smoke around children, smoking is a personal thing and is the invidiuals own choice to do so therefore putting other peoples health at risk is unfair in my opinion. In relation to your second question I also think that's unfair, many people who live off benefits could probably afford things if they didn't spend so much money on cigarrettes, so it's pathetic really how they get awqay with lviing off benefits yet have money to pay for cigarrettes.
